The politics of hope and change is not all smoke and mirrors.
Obama has already shown his colors (so to speak) in the way his campaign is being run. Young people are noticing that politics don’t have to be dirty, nasty, backstabbing bloodbaths, and that was the message I heard at my precinct caucus, whose attendance was roughly 10 per cent people under 25. The basis of that allure, I think, is trust and integrity. Obama does not have a history of saying one thing, and doing another.
Hitler’s “charisma” (someone mentioned above) was based on appealing to fervent nationalism in a population that felt itself defeated. That’s quite different from Obama’s “charisma” that appeals to overcoming differences and uniting a country deeply divided.
I see Obama’s strength in healing our tarnished foreign relations, but that’s my personal interest. I can’t think of anything better than having someone of his intelligence, eloquence, and integrity representing our interests overseas to restore the respect and credibility we’ve lost with that buffoon in the White House.