Wow. This has taken a turn.
First off, my post had everything to do with this situation/request (ref post 22). I have no problem sharing memories of a person. Its the sharing of DETAILS that could connect this person to her family, even via a small seemingly irrelevant detail – that I’m concerned with and was trying to get across. I’m not even talking about addresses, names, etc which obviously the moderators would remove. But ‘inconsequential’ details are still details about a family. I urge caution.
That said, I find it interesting I get called out on post 22 for making this about ‘my story’ when in fact it was about my experiences and beliefs being stated as a way to relate concerns – which those who call me out have done countless times on this site as a way to relate.
And now one of those I cautioned about is reeling and the other hasnt even chimed in, my point being made. In situations like this – and TOPICS like this, people need err on being cautious and conservative as you dont know who you are really speaking to!
Its not comparable to asking for information about restaurants or window cleaners. This is completely different. I would think that some of those who’ve shared intimate details about their lives as reference would understand that.