Re: Wearing fur


If you want to see what life was like before being PC or environmentally aware, go to Russia. What a time warp. We were there last year. About 60 to 70 percent (maybe more) of the people wear fur, and lots of it during the winter.

You want to talk about shoes and boots, it seems like there is a boot store every 30 feet in Vladivostok. As our driver Sergei said, “Vladivostok pretty city, as long as you not look too close” Translation – They don’t care if they litter or not. Trash is everywhere. I saw a guy open up his pack of cigarettes and throw the wrapper on the ground.

They also have a lot of smokestacks spewing black smoke. It took me back to the 60’s. Oh yeah, they charge for your grocery bags too.

If you are worried about getting paint thrown on you, just carry a concealed paint gun. I think the permit costs about $500.00. Just kidding.