We had some young adults driving down our street like it was a freeway. Pass other cars and were the typical jerks. They would park late at night next to one of the stair walk through we have littered though out our neighborhood (which happened to be next to the home of an older lady that was recently widowed…). I saw a police officer and stopped to ask him about it… he said he noticed the car too and was going to stop by to visit with them… Each time we saw the car after that we called 911. They no longer hang out in our neighborhood. And yes… they were doing drugs and such in the stairways. These folks (darn kids!) count on us minding our own business or not wanting to get involved. It’s important they don’t know ‘who’ is upsetting their drug sells / usage (or limiting their ability to case homes) but it’s important to let them know ‘this’ neighborhood isn’t going to make it easy.
The cops are the best to decide if these folks are a threat. They may have had previous run ins with them and are well aware of ‘suspicious’ behavior… this is their job… their training. Call 911. If they are just cruising around they can cruise by… if they are on a more urgent call… they will handle that first. You calling 911 could actually save a neighboring home from being bullied and or broken into.