Re: Urban Gardening in WS – The Sequel!!



C&P would be great — we’ll come if I don’t have to bring pictures of what will someday be my so-called garden. You’ve all seen vacant lots, right?

We did get rid of the cherry tree (and find a new home for it). I’m going to be much pickier about its replacement…something I don’t hate will do for a start. Right now I’m just grooving on the bare spot where the cheery tree was.

Yesterday we cleaned out the place for tomato plants so today we’ll go to buy plants. I may try pots this year to have something higher — don’t really have time or $ to create raised beds, but that’s definitely coming.

You guys sent great recommendations and offers of help last time (Erik, you will be hearing from me!). Wish I had more progress to report–but it’s mid-may and I’m not demoralized yet — so that actually is progress in its own way.