Re: Scientist Says We Should Do Be Do Be Do



Note to Julie: It doesn’t matter to me that re-va-rem thinks he can explain consciousness on the quantum level. I take all such claims with a grain of salt and I assume most other people do too.

What I’m more interested in here is the cause-effect relationship between meditation and better life outcomes, which I believe many people here can speak to. (And I hope they do.)


To re-va-rem:

Sir, I thank you for that candid response, and I congratulate you for kicking drugs and depression!! I’ve been going through a similar process of making changes, but even after decades I still struggle with temper tantrums – ask anyone here – and still feel like an emotional wreck much of the time. Plus I can’t sleep.

I have a devil of a time meditating, because I can’t seem to get my mind to a point where I can screen out the “interference” that constantly bombards my brain. I do find that getting away from the computer and getting out of the house helps for a time, but this is apparently not getting at the root of the problem.

What I need to work on is learning how to recognize when I’m headed into a downward spiral and to interrupt that, replacing negative thoughts and emotions with positive, constructive ones.

Yeah, baby!