Re: The First Amendment



when this is all said and done, we will all be looking back on this with shame. It’s no longer a NY issue, it’s becoming an international issue about how the world views us. The rallies yesterday at GZ where shameful. There are lies being spread every day about this community center, and about the Imam. He is not a terrorist, he works with the state dept., and in fact is on a state dept. funded tour as we speak here. As far as I’m concerned there is no excuse for what is happening. It’s hateful, it’s political, it’s being fueled by crazies.

For those that think it’s “disrespectful to have this community center (which ain’t even close to GZ – it’s blocks away – can’t even see it from GZ) I’d like to know why they think that. Why a COMMUNITY Center that will have a gym, cooking school, be a meeting place, is disrespectful.Why trying to bring people together is disrespetful. Why the other “mosque” located in the same area isn’t disrespectful.

I shake my head when I listen to the fear mongers, to the nuts that don’t want permits issued to the building of any “mosques” anywhere in the US. We need to wake up and use our common sense. The Newt Gingrich’s of the world need to shut the he!! up, and think before they enter the fray. The guy from American Family values, or whatever it is, who said that it would be OK, if they denounce the Koran…how ignorant can one person be? He needs to shut the he!! up too.

To me, there is no compromise here. They need to build this in spite of the opposition. They shouldn’t have to prove anything to anyone. They have a perfect right to do what they want. Again, I say, the argument is simply about hate and prejudice against Muslims and Islam. Fear mongering at it’s worst. And Americans need to wake up to what is really going on…we need to use our brains and the common sense that we should have. We need to remember what America stands for, what we as a nation are to the rest of the world. We have to remember what exactly it is we’re sending our young men and women to Afghanistan and Iraq to fight for..that’s it’s imperative that we join together, not divide on the basis of religion.

For those on here who object to the location of this community center, look inside yourselves and soul search and ask yourself why…and be honest with yourself when you answer.