Here’s some informational links explaining exactly how the roads are funded.
What it comes down to is that the roads are minimally funded by “gas tax” and licensing.
Furthermore, if licensing automatically stopped individuals from disobeying the law and doing reckless vehicular manouevers then we wouldn’t have +/- 10.6 million motor vehicle accidents and 43,000 deaths caused by motor vehicles per year (2007 figures:
It would also guarantee that the police would follow up when I report motor vehicle license plates of drivers who run me off the road, drive in the bike lane or run red lights in front of me and my bicycle.
Note that police can already issue tickets to cyclists who disobey the law. They can confiscate bicycles. Drivers can report problem intersections where cyclists commonly run stop lights/signs just as cyclists can report the same behavior by drivers. Licensing is not the answer to the problem (“scofflaws” or street funding). Individual responsibility and the understanding of how expensive motor vehicles really are is really the key.