Anonyme- OH SNAP! While I appreciate that spiders were your field of study, and this technically may make you an expert, I think that my 27 years of fearing spiders far surpases your expertise. Plus, I find myself often closely examining the epigyum and palps (thank you wikipedia) of spiders to positively identify them, thank you.
I wasn’t referring to the PNW- I was referring to Pocatello, Idaho where I grew up (do you know if they have the South American and Australian species there?) I once heard there was the largest concentration of hobo spiders ANYWHERE between there and another nearby town and ever since I’ve been repeating this fact. I’ve said it enough times that I insist it must be true, but I can’t find a concentration map using google so I can’t back it up with facts, which are pretty much useless anyways.
No but seriously, thanks for the info and I don’t mind if you bust my spider myths (although very bold with the Rottweiler avitar, very bold…) I’m well aware I’m not going to spider proof my house, but if you could direct your expertise in my direction to give me some tips I’d appreciate it. :-)