wow, I had no idea I would get so many different responses. Giving up our cat is the last thing that we want to do especially since our kids love him to pieces. He was given to us by someone that moved into an apartment and couldn’t have cats there. We moved here from california in march and into a house here in west seattle, thinking it would not be so hard to find good jobs with having such a big city right next to us. It turned out my husband and I have both had to take jobs paying a lot less then we were making in California, we can no longer afford to stay in west seattle and are moving out to a smaller house in Woodinville, it breaks our hearts to have to take our children out of school and make them start over in another school when they have just got comfortable in their schools. Some of the responses on here from some people made me so mad because they have no idea all the things that my husband and I have sacrificed in order to try and stay here, we have had to sell absolutely everything we had of any kind of value so that we could stay here in this house as a family all of us including our cat.
Thank you to all of you that have been kind on here and understand that I am trying to do the right thing. The cat has had all of his shots and is fixed all though I don’t have any of his papers, I think that I must have misplaced them in the move.
I appreciate everyone that is willing to donate to help pay for the deposit, I would feel really bad taking people’s money but appreciate the offers. I don’t know why our new place wants such a high amount for a deposit, other places we had looked at only wanted up to 400$ but we could not get approved for those places with this eviction on our records. We had to take the first and place that would give us a chance.