Re: Seattle



Is Seattle affordable?

–That depends on your income. If you’re in the six-figure range, you’ll do fine here. If you’re much below 40k, with a couple of kids, you’ll struggle. Unless you’re a very thrifty person.

Your income, in turn, depends on the job sector you’re in. If you’re a well-networked exec, a skilled tradesman, or a software programmer, you’ll do well. If you’re a general laborer, you’re going have a tough time of it.

The housing market is tight. We regularly have out-of-towners come on this forum looking for affordable housing here on the west side. They get discouraged when they see what the rents are like.


Family oriented?

–Well, Seattle supposedly loves kids, but it seems to me like singles-oriented activities predominate here.

There ARE plenty of little-league sports for kids to be involved in, and downtown has the Pacific Science Center.

There are plenty of parks, too. As in green parks, not theme parks.

Great libraries.



Relatively speaking. For a city it’s size, yes.