Re: Romney “Red Carpet” Photos by DBP



365…. Jeb is a killer on the stump… and he takes Florida hands down…. it’s off the table as a swing state. Verrrrrry popular… he routinely pulled Florida Democrats to his side. Here are things that scare the hell out of Democrats.

Wife is Hispanic (Mexican) .. speaks fluent Spainish, worked in Caracas for two years… very very popular with Hispanics.

” Bush earned his victory primarily because of his connection and popularity with Florida’s Hispanic community.”

Obama promised Charter schools and reform for inner cities schools and backed off… NEA pressure, hasn’t done a thing.

Bush – deep and solemn commitment to improving the state’s inner-city schools. He earned great respect from African Americans thanks to his emphasis on parental involvement in education,

Obama -never re-elected

Bush – Only Republican to be elected to two sucessive terms as FL gov.

Bush – Left office with approval ratings as good as his first term

Bush – Widely admired for overcoming the adversity with two kids who were… druggies… people actually liked the fact that his dirty linen was the same as theirs… the “common man” sorta thing.

365Stairs…. you got that one wrong… Bush is a Florida icon… and he takes the entire Hispanic coalition away from El Bama… that’s a a win… son rehabilitated acted as co-chair for Rudy Guiliani ..

Right to life guy for sure… but, .. he did not go out as a personal campaign to undo the status quo…. not a Santorum.

Pretty much a pro business, centrist, with strong commitment to education and education reform. He pulls Florida, VA, OH, PA into the win column…. be careful HMC… wishing for him would be like Republicans wishing for Hilary….