so what happens when one of these employers is “morally against” providing the coverage for a myriad of other drugs..from Viagra to HRT to antibiotics (maybe they’re scientologists), to whatever it might be. It’s opening up a HUGE can of worms. I remember the saying that some lived by back in the late 60’s..”You can’t legislate morality”. The question I keep asking myself now is…why this renewed interest in birth control after all these years…where is this coming from…what is the fear, the concern..ah, yes..abortion…because any form of birth control is actually abortion(which is still legal, BTW). That’s far from the truth…but , hey, why let facts get in the way. If you can’t legislate it in your favor one way, may as well try another tactic. Are these employers also against paying for vasectomies? Betting they’re not…