There seems to be some confusion about the nature of Roman Catholicism.
Catholicism is not what you would call a “lifestyle religion.” It doesn’t exist to make people feel good about themselves. It exists to keep people in line.
Same goes for Lutheranism, Pentecostalism, Mormonism . . .
Hinduism, Judaism, Islam . . .
Now maybe you don’t think you need to be kept in line, and maybe you’re right. But the fact is there are lots of people who DO think they need to be kept in line, and conservative religion is here for them.
If you feel like God wants you to do whatever makes you feel good, either join the Unitarians or just drop out of the church scene all together. But don’t try to convert conservative Christians to the Church of Self-Love and Personal Freedom, because that’s just a waste of time.
–Which is a sin in everybody’s book.