Re: Remember when… (WS reminiscing thread)



I’m looking thru old OLD papers and just found a little cardboard menu from Quesnel’s, the restaurant that used to be on Beach Drive at the foot of Jacobsen Rd.

I don’t know what year it was, but the phone number’s listed as WEst 2-6965.

The Seafood Bar offered take-out fish & chips for 40 cents, scallops & chips for 80 cents! A cup of clam chowder was only 20 cents.

The sit-down restaurant upstairs, as someone else mentioned, was entirely done-up in pink, a real “tablecloth joint.” This menu lists meals including chowder, salad, baked potato, bread, and coffee. “Choice Select Salmon Steak” for $3.50, Small Pacific Oysters” for $2.75. The priciest item was “Charcoal Broiled Filet Mignon of Choice Beef” at $5.25. An appetizer of “Crab or Shrimp Cocktail Supreme” went for $1.25.