Doing elementary school pickup and drop off seems to afford me the opportunity to watch the most appalling traffic moves and runaway sense of entitlement. As a cab driver in Boston in the 70’s I fudged a few rules to pick up fares and take advantage of ice to do some quick change of direction ( the cops treated us as professional drivers and ignored moves that were safe), but these people are in-freakin sane and usually have a carload of kids in the SUV as well.
Passing in the turn lane, doing 9 point y turns and see-saw parking jobs in traffic, barreling down the residential streets to avoid the California/Admiral light.
But nothing compares to the pedestrian moms towing kids or strollers or both, who run across california either against the light or forcing the crossing guard to do a backflip to try and stop traffic for them. What are you teaching your children about safely crossing the street? The highschoolers are the same clueless immortals they have always been but little kids should be taught to look both ways and obey the signals.