Re: Rant: Out of Order Gas Station



Many many thanks to my resourceful West Seattle neighbors! You all make me so glad I moved to a real community last spring!

I got a reply from the city weights and measures group, they are going to the station to inspect the pump (they do have jurisdiction over broken/malfunctioning equipment) if found that is still not in working order it will be put out of service until its repaired. The city will contact me regarding their findings.

BP/Arco also replied today, sounded mostly boilerplate about the station being franchise owned but that my letter would be forwarded to the franchise owner as well as the regional BP franchise representative to follow up on their next visit.

On my way home tonight I saw someone parked at pump 5 and hope that it was repaired since Sunday night. In all honesty I really just want to make sure the station takes a malfunctioning gas pump seriously and immediately because gasoline is so hazardous. Everyone is very lucky nothing more serious happened and I hope now they’ll understand that safety needs to be a priority!