JoB: Most of your last post was incomprehensible to me, especially the last paragraph. HUH???
I ride the bus for all the reasons you described. The morning express bus seldom has passengers that I would consider so suspect that a private seat is required for protection, and yet this is the time the seat-hogging phenomenon is most apparent. These hogs are probably not nursing some deep psychic hurt that prohibits them from exercising reasonable judgment and/or courtesy. They’re just rude.
You should have a reasonable ‘entitlement’ to feel safe from being attacked on the bus, although there is no guarantee of that. Hogging the seat next to you does not provide that safety. Realistically, you’re in more danger from someone sitting behind you than one next to you, not to mention the guy with the hacking H1-N1 cough across the aisle.
Charlabob, there is nothing bad about your behavior. It is reasonable to place your bag on the seat if the bus is virtually empty. If people are getting on and visibly scanning for diminishing seats, I’d say it’s time to move your stuff. Sounds like you’re just exercising that rarity – common sense.