Every candidate has their own managerial style.. and every campaign goes through some pretty major shake-ups on it’s way to victory.. or defeat.
There is bound to be criticism of Hillary’s managerial style because it is not the typical.. historical.. dominant.. managerial style.
She actually gives her employees both responsibility and authority (certainly not the good old american way) and gives them time to work through and learn from mistakes.
BTW.. this is the management that all that sensitivity training at work is trying to move towards.. without really getting the basic concept. This is a collaborative style that is more natural to women and something a woman has to offer the process… collaboration in fact.. not just in appearance.
Should she have moved sooner? i don’t know. I imagine she will figure that out when this is over and learn from it….
But the article’s underlying assumptions.. that she is not in control assume a management style that gives responsibility but withholds authority.. and using that scale she can’t be seen as anything but failing as a manager.
I found the MSNBC political cartoons more illuminating. That’s where a news organization can show biases it chooses to obscure in reporting…
you will find them on the right towards the end of the article…
The second was Hillary portrayed as a prostitute on a street corner… and a good portion were equally sexist.. either showing her as the little woman who is overshadowed by her husband.. the little woman who lets her husband fight his battles for her… the woman who isn’t a woman… all direct sexist attacks.
Only half of the cartoons actually dealt with her policies.. and i enjoyed some of those…
Beachdrivegirl… look for the story behind the story… sometimes you have to look at what else sits next to it to understand it’s context.
Go back and pay attention to the images and cartooning surrounding that story… and see if you feel the same way about it.
It is so difficult… the same machine that slanted coverage of the Clinton’s (there must be fire to create all that smoke) and of Bush (don’t pay any attention to the fire.. it’s all smoke) are those we are given to listen to now.
For some balance, read some pro-liberal press. You will find plenty of commentary that is not favorable to Hillary there.. as well as some straight shooting on Obama… but you will be getting the news from the opposing bias… and somewhere in the middle lies the truth.
For a liberal bias.. i recommend Amy Goodman and Democracy Now. It doesn’t matter if you get her show on cable or satellite.. it’s on the web.
My hubby would disagree about the bias on her program.. and i will agree that her political analysis is often very evenhanded… but it is as often not:)
Happy reading. It’s good to see young people willing to dig for the truth…