Re: Racism, sexism, religion and discrimination in this election…



new resident… think carefully before you get too excited about Obama and his pastor…

i admit, taken out of context, it sounds pretty bad… but having been as privy to my local Black Power struggle as a white girl could have been in the late 60s… that rhetoric is not what it seems to be…

And you won’t like what you find under McCain’s personal rock when it comes to religious affiliations.

He is pretty tight with one of those preachers who said that those in New Orleans deserved what happened to them because it was a den of iniquity and they simply faced the lord’s retribution… this while the elderly in that community were dieing for lack of medical care…

And i don’t think you would find blackwater too far under his rock either.. and that’s the group hired by our government to (among other things…) turn back individuals who drove their own semis south to deliver food and water to those whose homes were gone… while that same preacher praised the mercenaries for protecting New Orleans from those with no respect for personal property.

I don’t think you really want to go there….