i don’t see it as “just” a grooming choice
regardless of how young people now see this choice..
i got a too close for comfort look at how it was originally promoted
you know.. before Deep Throat made pornography socially acceptable
so yes.. it offends me
and yes i am that old ;)
on thanksgiving break my husband rented the movie Lovelace because we had already plumbed the depths of the Tillamook Redbox and he had heard it was interesting.
it was a much better movie than i expected…
and it did a good job of highlighting the abuse of workers within the pornography industry
but behind that story was the story of the abuse of ordinary women and girls in ordinary homes…
Linda’s life only became the exception when her husband decided to market her to the porn industry
and only became an example when a mafia boss who was already ticked off at her husband for cheating him financially decided to make an example of him.. ending her short career.
There are differences between then and now..
but one of the less positive is that the kind of exploitation of women that was considered pornographic then is too often the societal norm today.
that offends me
not because i am a prude
but because i remember all too clearly how that exploitation affected women i knew
sadly.. i see too often how it still affects women
the underlying message on that sign is that if you want to be sexually attractive to men you should shave your pubes…
i am offended that we think that kind of message .. made eye catching in it’s cuteness… is appropriate to pass along to our kids.
what you do in private is private..
but what you do in public really does impact others