Re: Problems at Gatewood (?)



I am sorry, I don’t know what the latte reference means. I am new to the Seattle and the forum and I thought this was a good place to find out about a school that my child is scheduled to attend in the fall.

More important than the latte reference…. Bonnie, I am sorry if you took offense to the special needs comment I made. The special needs children themselves aren’t the problem, it’s the district’s lack of support for the team and staff that need to care for them. sorry if I hurt your feelings, I did not mean too. :(

Lowmanbeach, thank you for the numbers. I will go to those school’s website to see if I can find the total numbers of students at those schools and compare the ratios and see if I can find out if the numbers at Gatewood greatly increased after Fairmont closed. I appreciate your help.