Hey RainDay1235:
I couldn’t find Laurie Dunlap either, but here is what I sent to David Della and the Parks Superintendant and staff:;;;
“Dear Mr. Della,
I am a resident of West Seattle and an occasional user of the West Crest Park dog off-leash area. Are you aware of the issues associated with West Crest Park? We have to deal with cars being broken into regularly and people using the park for drug and sex hook-ups. The illegal behavior of a few people is keeping a large number of dog owners in West Seattle from using West Crest Park.
I have some suggestions:
1. More lighting, even if just temporarily. Light the park up like a Christmas tree. Add more lighting to the parking lot. The wooded part of the park is dark even in the summer. Perhaps the parks department could place a couple of big spotlights shining down the paths, even just a couple hours a day a couple of days a week. Bad things happen in dark corners, bring in lights and police and make West Crest Park too visible for the shadow elements to want to play there.
2. West Seattle could use more lighted soccer fields…why not turn the big meadow into a regulation soccer field complete with lights. Nothing like a herd of vigilant soccer mom’s descending every day upon West Crest Park to make hook-ups less attractive.
3. Have the police walk the trails with big flash lights on a regular several times a day basis.”
I’m curious if anyone else has any ideas for making West Crest less scary. My ideas may be too expensive or controversial, but I thought I’d send them off anyway. I’ll report back if I hear anything.