loved the cartoons… even the one about Hillary.
And yes.. appointing her will prevent her from getting any credit for social programs that pass the senate… it was a politically smart move on Obama’s part if he wants 8 years.
I do think she will make a fine Secretary of State though.. she has the advantage of knowing many of her international peers personally and is a strong negotiator.
Having a very long political memory i am not so keen on putting the foxes in charge of the hen house… and that is how i see most of the cabinet appointments.
Holder??? .. he just got caught in politics.. i imagine he learned a lot from that.
Gates ???.. the only positive thing i can say about him is that he does understand the issues in the middle east.. after all.. we first met him there when he negotiated the release of prisoners from Iran.. just in time for Reagan’s inauguration…
but… Obama says it will be his agenda that is carried out. we will see what that is. His cabinet choices would definately indicate he is governing towards the middle…
in the meantime, republicans are getting a lot more than they are giving.
this is the least inflammatory link i can find for Bush pardoning a cocaine dealer
I don’t compare him to Lincoln.. but he compares the situation he is inheriting to that which Lincoln faced… and he is not far off there.
Regardless of what happens, it is going to be a bumpy ride.