Re: Political Gum.



LOL.. what did i do?

I have to say that House really said it all on this one:

“As for good ol’ Ann, I think it’s safe to say that she’s got a sense of humor. Hillary is already getting beat by Obama in the Primaries. Anns endorsement for Hillary is the kiss of death for both Clinton and McCain. The Republicans know that Obama is the easier candidate to beat and that Romney is the GOPs favorite right now. Ann knows what she’s doing.”

Thank you for pointing out the obvious. IT WAS ALL A SHOW!!!! A put up job. A campaign tactic.

And yet, she seemed so believable. She was soooo serious when she said she wasn’t kidding.

So house, thanks for pointing out that their “news” program (Hammity and Colmes) was really either an outright lie or some sort of joke… entertainment really.

Wish you’d tell my brother. He thinks that program is real republican/democratic debate.

That is what is called a blatant lie which passed for news commentary on the FOX channel.

Or.. maybe a joke?

I hope you’re right and that woman really does have a sense of humor..

because if she doesn’t, she’s just a liar.