Re: Pit Bulls



Dear Barmargia:

Read my lips: I am not angry. I am not an angry person. And yes I am the same person who wrote about people swearing, and your swearing does not offend me. I do have big issues with people swearing around children, and when asked to stop they continue. It is very offenseive to listen to someone use foul language when they have the skills and the no how to use language without swear words. I do not believe that it does a child any good to hear someone refer to someone as a A##h(le or worse.

And as if it was any of your business no it was not a pit bull that bit our daughter. I have not said anything to rant against pit bulls only, I ranted about people having dogs of any breed. I mentioned pit bulls because of all the coverage the attacks in recent days have gotten. I do have major issues with any person who owns any breed of dog that is irresponsible and allows that dog to wander the street and possibly attack innocent people or animals as what happened just last night.

All you picked up on was that I was the person who ranted about swearing and that I typed in the word pit bulls. How very ignorant of you!

I still stand by our house rule that we do not go near any dog of any kind period without permission of the owner and since the dog bite afew years ago we also ask many questions beforehand so we are assured the dog in question is kind to children so we avoid another trip tot he hospital.