Re: PCO: Do you know yours?



I am curious about how the 34th district Republicans find out who their PCO is?

This page seems to have the listings of those who have filed in king county for both parties.

The local Paul Bearers indicate Republican PCO’s filings in King co are at 650, which is 200 or more down from 04.

I will plug the list into mysql tomorrow and see if I can pull out a list for the 34th and get a good count.

Here is a link to the form needed to get appointed as a Dem PCO in a precinct that is without one.

remember the top two primary introduces odd possibilities into all races this year.

I am seeing some indication that the Ron Paul republicans might try to take over some Seattle districts from the current republican PCO’s but the WA republican party doesn’t let the PCO’s actually vote on anything or have any power so it is really not that attractive a prize. I suspect it is all talk and no action.