Re: Parking and development



if you’re talking about the Alaska Junction, parking is taken up by many people. Some by employees, etc. who work in the area (yes, not all take the bus to work), some by commuters who drive and park on residential streets, walk to the junction, and catch the bus to downtown. Some of the parking is shoppers looking for a place to park.Parking is mighty scarce in the Alaska Junction area, and there are some houses that don’t have garages, so want a parking space in front of their property for themselves.

Here in the Admiral District, they built Element 42, put in parking spaces for them, but they charge a monthly fee for parking ( have no idea what it is). The result? After 6pm, parking on my street (42nd SW)is nonexistent. If I wish to have a friend visit, or an evening client ( I see them in my home), parking is very difficult to find. Add if something is going on at Sanctuary at Admiral event hall, which also has no parking, sometimes you can’t find parking for blocks.

There are many reasons people comment about The Lofts not having any parking…the main one is…many people will own cars, period. They have to put them somewhere. No garage? That leaves the street.