patriot: don’t assume that liberals “just want political power” simply because conservatives want it. this country has lived – and died – with lax gun laws since the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire, and now we’re witnesses to just how effectively industry regulates itself.
time to put the screws to the gun industry and its lobbying organizations.
don’t get me wrong: i’m a right-to-bear-arms democrat, and i know about six liberals who own guns and one conservative who does. (and, yes, i know plenty of conservatives.)
but i want heavily-regulated access to guns for home defense and hunting. anything that’s able to spray more than 15 rounds of lead without reloading should be outlawed, and those in existence should have their firing pins removed. i also want regular (biennial?) licensing of those guns and evaluation of their owners. i want a return to waiting lists and background checks. and ammo should have a heavy tax on it in the neighborhood of 100% – with a discount for LEO’s.
with power comes responsibility. abuse your responsibility and you will have your power taken away.