Re: Official Electoral College Prediction Thread!



BTW you can’r prosecute a sitting president… for things done before his election… Slick Willy was stung by what he did while in office.. perjury. If he told the truth… instead of lying.. he was in the clear. I don’t think it will happen. We control the House

U.S. Const. art. I, § 3, cl. 7. The textual argument that the criminal prosecution of a person subject to removal by impeachment may not precede conviction by the Senate arises from the reference to the “Party convicted” being liable for “Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment.” This textual argument draws support from Alexander Hamilton’s discussion of this Clause in The Federalist Nos. 65, 69, and 77, in which he explained that an offender would still be liable to criminal prosecution in the ordinary course of the law after removal by way of impeachment. OLC Memo at 2.4

Gotta impeach first.