i may have missed the comment.
But i still draw a distinction between women of accomplishment
and the figureheads that now pass for feminists.
i will go back and look.
LOL Kootch…
is this the snark that provoked that tirade?
“I’d like to point out that Erin Burnett, a talking Barbie doll on CNN, is the daughter of a corporate lawyer, and used be VP at Citibank. She is engaged to the president of Citibank. How is she a “journalist”???? “
except for the Barbie Doll comment…
which while it may be snarky is in my opinion a fairly accurate fashion assessment of Erin Burnett…
this is a question of competence.
Does wealth, family connections, prior employment or current relationship status confer competence?
i agree on this call.
only in the Bollywood American News Broadcasting has become do any of those attributes confer journalistic credentials :(
Not being a great proponent of artificial creations.. i prefer looking and listening to investigative reporters like Amy and Rachel.
though.. i can see why you would prefer watching her to say… Amy Goodwin or Rachel Maddow.
This preference does help explain where you get some of your talking points…
Barbie doll broadcasters are seldom allowed to do more than repeat the wise words of their esteemed male colleagues