JoB I’m still really confused. I never stated or even implied that mandatory minimum insurance was a bad thing. My only only only criticism in this thread was that I didn’t think the president was truthful in how he pitched the plan.
I’m not opposed to mandatory minimum insurance. It’s a good idea. The president simply should have explained that people with plans not meeting the ACA minimum would need to find new plans. When the president said “If you like your insurance plan you can keep it” people thought that meant they could keep their insurance plan. In fact they could not keep their insurance plan if their plan didn’t meet the minimum.
It’s all good though. The president apologized yesterday. Although I think he was dishonest with how he pitched this part of the plan, I’m willing to admit that it’s possible he misspoke earlier because he didn’t understand how the ACA worked. No one will ever know if he intentionally or accidentally gave false information. But he did apologize.
In general, though, I am supportive of mandatory insurance. I agree with the president that people should take responsibility for their healthcare.