The patriot act by itself was bad enough.
the abuse of the patriot act is worse…
and it is being abused. in fact, provisions of it are currently law enforcement’s favorite tool… especially in the drug war.
i am not any prouder of the democrats who agreed to it than i am of the republicans…
any time an American can have their home searched, their financial records accessed, their telephone tapped and their internet use overseen.. without any legal process or notification… something is very wrong.
any time anyone accusing you of possible treasonous acts without corraborating evidence is enough to warrant intrusion into your home and/or inclusion on a no-travel list that is not overseen by any govt agency.. something is wrong.
Any time a citizen is denied access to freedom of travel or other benefits of being a citizen because their name even closely resembles that of someone on a suspect list.. something is wrong.
Do you understand that i think something is very wrong?