Re: Obama vs. McCain



New resident…

If you know what the 2nd amendment actually says, then you know that it’s subject matter is a militia…. not the right of any citizen to own any gun.

i come from a hunting family. i was taught gun safety at a very early age.

I could probably still outshoot most of the people who make so much noise about the right to bear arms… at least i still could 15 years ago.. the last time i personally shot a gun.

I am no longer a sharpshooter like my brothers.. but i was taught by the same hand they were…

i am not faint of heart when it comes to weapons or unable to or unwilling to use them… if i have to for self defense.

The key words there are “have to” and “self defense”…

I don’t object to citizens owning guns. But i do object to giving blanket approval for all citizens to own automatic weapons.

there is no legitimate reason why any citizen should be able to go out and buy automatic weapons.

what exactly are they going to use them for since their only real purpose is to kill people quickly and efficiently?

do you realize that the massacres occurring in our schools are the direct result of citizens being able to purchase automatic weapons?

You just can’t kill that many people that fast without them.

The availability of guns in our society has not made people safer. In fact, it has had the opposite effect.

My cousin was killed in her own home by a gun that was in a gun safe that a young man the family befriended took out of the safe and used to kill her, her son (his best friend), her daughter and then himself.

She was killed by her own gun… and that isn’t so uncommon.

You need a license to drive a car. You need to prove that you can handle that car safely.

Why on earth shouldn’t we do the same thing with guns?

Look at the statistics.