Re: NRA ideas



…Armed Guards would make schools a safer place. Not just from physical threats. But even mundane fire drills or medical emergencies, etc. Having personally worked in corporate security for over 5 years I am quite familiar with the benefits of having trained security (armed or unarmed). Especially in times of emergencies. Most schools already employ security in some fashion and have extensive planning in regard to emergency responses. However, I am willing to conceed that no one solution will stop the problem of violence. That does not mean we should not actively consider all possible avenues…As I see it now, real gun reform is unlikely. The republicans in the house of representatives are unlikely to capitulate on these issues. Currently the WA State Constitution has very broad support for a right to bear arms (more so then the Federal). Anything the state legislature passes will be fought in court (and likely found to be in violation of our state constitution). Mayor Mcginn has already had experience in this matter. Anyway, I guess my point is, that in considering current American culture. I feel like we need to look at solutions that are actually passable and will indeed save lives.