i agree that we failed.
i don’t know that we sold out so much as were blindsided and disillusioned in our loss
I was old enough to be participating as a young adult when Bobby was killed
and that death more than any other
perhaps because it was the concluding shot
really took the wind out of our sails..
it was too hard .. just too hard
i have never stopped speaking out
i was going to say that i stopped acting out..
but after writing all of my exceptions i realized that i never stopped…
i redirected and focused my efforts ..
but i didn’t stop
One thing i see about us boomers is that as a group we are getting our strength back
our willingness to do battle.. so to speak
refocusing as a generation.. inspiring our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to demand more
i don’t think we are done.
trashing our pensions was a really stupid move on the part of the powers that be
i am hoping it is a fatally stupid move.
Our kids are really really pissed off ;)
yes.. i still have hope
not for the society that we hoped to build
i think that dream is gone
but for helping the pendulum swing back in the other direction
and perhaps move with more speed than anticipated by all
all you have to do is look around you to see that growing interest in sustainability…
you guys are doing us old hippies proud :)
I think Charla nailed it when she said
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead (thank you, WZ) and, until then, I’ll keep fighting. So will we all.”
so say we all