Re: Media treats Ted Cruz and Wendy Davis VERY differently.



“Falling somewhat right of center, Davis gave a phenomenal filibuster–her content and maturity were compelling and informative enough to potentially sway opinions and attitudes. Cruz was a dutz”

Congratulations on listening to all 38 hours of combined speaches so you could make this informed opinion. Amazing. You certain it wasn’t her pink shoes that swayed you?

“and, just as an aside…where in the media did Ted Cruz go? Immediately to Rush Limbaugh…seriously?”

Umm……Rachel was booked? Where the heck do you expect him to go? Every other outlet except Fox was lambasting him PRIOR to his speech. They would have spent the entire time asking about the five minutes he spent reading GE&H!

“Ted Cruz is a bigger bozo than I am.”

Yes, we know. Princeton AND Harvard grads are idiots. Unless they are Democrats.

“when the New York Times starts to belittle you.. you’re pretty much done.”

Yes, when that bastion of conservative thinking rakes you over the coals it’s time to call it quits!

Let the echo chamber continue…….