Re: Losing


HMC Rich

Barry Soetero, Barry Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, The Messiah, Zero, what ever name he goes by, will win if people want mediocrity and want America to fully decline. He has sold us out and is stripping away our liberty. The economy stinks. He has broken and flip flopped on many promises. You may be a liberal but he is by far the most clueless president we have had hold the office. I see the {we survived bush…} line, well I am not certain we will survive four more years of this President. Mainly because he has been a pussy about dealing with Iran and he should have launched air strikes against their nuke facilities at the most or imposed the most stringent blockade to strangle that country. We do not have Arab nation friends and the Iranian Theocracy is crazy. It is time to quit pretending. They will launch at Israel when they get a nuke. That is why Barack Obama must go.