Re: Let’s hear it for Sen. Clinton…or not



Just one contribution and then we step back out: Having been on somebody else’s payroll going back to age 16 … with a nice health-insurance policy, mostly employer-paid, for most of that time … I didn’t really appreciate how bleak the picture was for those not so lucky, until we went into business for ourselves with WSB. Just finally found something that will at least (knock wood) be there for coverage if one of us gets seriously ill or injured … but otherwise, its deductible is so high that it’s not good for anything else. To get an individual policy without a high deductible, there seems to be no way to avoid paying an incredibly high price — four digits per month for a family of three — which is what I would have had to pay to continue my old work policy thru COBRA. Really never walked a mile in these moccasins before, but now I can feel every stone on the path. And yet at that, I know I’m still one of the “lucky ones” … at least we can afford that high-deductible policy … its cost would be out of reach for many families just getting by.