Re: Let’s discuss a leftie talking point now



HMC Rich…

LOL.. that situation did lead to blackmail..

political blackmail…

there wasn’t anything protective of the presidency or the country in the way that situation was handled…

Clinton wouldn’t have caved to outside blackmail.. why should he if he had successfully blustered his way though similar charges before?

Digging into his personal life and asking him legal questions.. to which he gave a strictly legal answer… was pure political entrapment… start to finish…

repeating the legal answer in public was a huge mistake on his part…

as was running true to his past behavior trying to bluster his way through when accused of sexual misconduct…

but i think the prosecutor counted on consistent behavior…

after all, he had been digging a long time at incredible taxpayer expense.. and he was compelled to come up with something… clever man.

With any luck that incident has warned future presidents that they can’t get away with that kind of behavior.. especially if they are minority party… but i doubt it.

it sure didn’t stop any of the republicans who were in favor of his impeachment from assorted hanky panky… my oh my…

i don’t think they learned the lesson about blackmail, do you?