I have read all the above and decided to say something, which I usually don’t do. But, 23 years ago my daughter wanted to take dance because her friend was taking classes and they liked to do everything together. Over the years my daughter worked very hard because she really loved to dance, Ballet became her favorite so much Miss Kathy asked her to become a teacher. One of the things she had to do was take class at another studio also, we choose Cornish. Which is pretty strict dress code and all, but it was a great experience. My point is that over all these years she and I both have made some amazing friendships that started at the studio and we can’t imagine what our life’s would be like without all of them. Yes Miss Kathy has rules but there are rules in every sport, activity you get your kids involved in, the thing is if your kids enjoy it you handle the rules… Even though she no longer dances we STILL work the recitals every year. Once a family always a family.