Re: Judge who overturned Prop 8



dobro said:

The whole gay marriage “debate” is BS cooked up by Christianist nuts and RightWing politicians ginning up fear and loathing among ignorant people to get their votes.


Although I have come around to the position of supporting gay marriage, I don’t agree with what dobro said.

Dobro, my experience is that when someone makes an extremely broad statement (like yours) about a whole class of people, it means that either A) they’re trying to smear their opponent, or B) they simply don’t know many people among the class that they’re generalizing.

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you just haven’t met or talked with many people who don’t support gay marriage. But trust me, there are a lot of them out there, and they’re not all “Christianist nuts” or “ignorant.”

An intelligent case can be made for traditional marriage. An intelligent case can also be made for marriage equality. Whichever side you’re on this debate, you don’t have to believe that the other side is a bunch of kooks in order to feel good about your side.
