Re: Its a Job…In fact…Lots of Jobs!




“In a society with such plentitude of opportunity”

well.. no. our unemployment figures which you point to when it suits you politically put lie to that…

not to mention that most of that opportunity requires an address, a way to contact you and looking presentable at an interview which would include not lugging a bag with your worldly belongings in with you.

Did you know that even if you have a paycheck in hand, banks want a physical address to open an account?

this level playing fields land of opportunity crap is just crap.

if we really want the homeless to re-engage with society then we need to provide 24 hour shelters with addresses, message centers, private secure lockers and shower facilities… on buslines that start early enough to get a prospective employee from the shelter to their place of work before starting time.

Our present system simply ensures that they will stay homeless.