“Are portions of the U.S. cities overcrowded? Well, maybe. But a lot of that’s personal preference. People want to live where they want to live.”
Perhaps…perhaps not. Lots of people live in Detroit still…but I bet not all of them WANT to. Nothing against Detroit…but even watching a 1980’s movie with shots of that city then…has it improved much now?
There are some really nice areas of Detroit too…but values have declined and investors are likely to not want to put their infrastructure $$ there until the surrounding clean up. Sorry to beat up on Detroit…but it was on my mind.
Every city has its forgotten areas that need serious attention – but back on the affording part…Supply…Demand.
But…consider the old saying…”You can put lipstick on a Pig…It’s still a Pig”*
*No real pigs were used in the creation of this saying