That is the teacher in you. Most charter schools have not failed. And given the obstacles they face.. most have taken over the failed and failing. The charter schools have greater latitude and freedoms to design curriculums. Yea, waynster… when the government fails, there is no lemon law… a good thing to remind everyone. An no recourse. The ONLY reason there is the smell of change in SPS is precisely because their union chokehold is getting challenged and choice is growing .. if charter schools were “mostly” failing,,… why do they continue to grow? And again… they ARE public schools. See that is how narrow union perspective is… “it’s an attempt to break the unions”… the though ever cross your mind it’s an attempt to get the kids the educations they will need? Or, parents are sick of 40 years of declining scores and excuses? Look at the consumer of your product…. they are increasingly dissatisfied with the product and want other options and they want government to stop protecting the monopoly. I would have eaten cardboard extended oatmeal before I sent mine to SPS…. and damn glad I did… the outcome was great. I got what I paid for.