“I agree, we ALL pay the same effective tax rate. That is a flat tax. You railed against it fir the last two years. Glad to see the switch. Romney’s your man… he wants a flatter tax code. That takes care of federal taxes. JoB is for a flat tax.”
I know i have been a bit under the weather lately
and i would guess that the medications i have been taking might have affected my judgment
but i am pretty sure i said no such thing.
what i said is that i thought those who make far more money than my privileged little self should pay the same effective rate on that income that i do…
and for the record, the my and I in that sentence reflects what i have likely said..
not the reality of who brings home the bacon in this basically one income household.
i did not say those whose incomes don’t provide a living wage should pay the same effective rate on their federal income taxes that i do.
I am always willing to stand by my own words kootch..
but not those you put in my mouth.