Re: Hot for Hillary



I have FOX news blocked on my TV. I forgot Obama was going to be on this morning. I would have liked to hear what they asked him.

I’m still not buying that he’s dismissing Clinton. Because this has dragged on longer than expected, I think both Obama and Clinton are being asked about each other’s position more than ever.

And every time I click on a web page there’s another story about Rev. Wright or Obama’s real estate purchase. That’s not exactly positive coverage. Yesterday, my home google page had a link to the Obama is the anti-christ theory now circulating (seriously).

You keep insisting it’s Clinton being painted in a bad light by the media. I’m not in love with either candidate, and from that perspective, the bitter media seems to revel in highlighting negative stories on both of them. Have you changed your mind about watching or reading the last debate? Nothing but baiting Obama with salacious topics. He spent the whole first hour defending himself from accusations.

Sometimes, I think a person sees what they want to see. You see Obama being given a pass by the media and Hillary being demonized. Logically, that can’t possibly be true or the candidates wouldn’t be so close still.

I totally agree with you that ALL the candidates should be examined. What is it that you don’t feel has been examined about Obama? That is a genuine question. We know his political history, personal history, and proposed policy history. What would make you more comfortable to know?