Re: Happy Kwanza!!!



St. Patricks Days has been whored out like many other holidays (Christmas included) to celebrate something other than what it was originally intended to celebrate. It is supposed to be a celebration of Saint Patrick, not drinking green beer.

Job states: “you have to look no further than green beer to find a holiday that celebrates a single race… and that is just the short list. So, what makes Kwanza racist?”

TheHouse retorts: “Irish isn’t a race, it’s describing someone from Ireland or of Irish decent. To answer your question about what makes Kwanza racist, all you have to do is ask yourself this:

Would a holiday celebrating Caucasian Americans be considered racist? If your answer if yes, then you’ve answered your own question. If you answered no, then you’re a liar.”

You still haven’t come up with another holiday that celebrates a race besides Kwanza.

Doesn’t it suck when I’m right?

I’m going to start my own new holiday that is a year long celebration called “Dontbeadroidmas”. It will celebrate pillars like: Think For Yourself, Don’t Be A Victim, You Are Human & Supposed To Be Intelligent and many other pillars of anti-liberal thought.