Hello West Seattle,
Sorry for all the confrontation that has been brought up from one persons mis-conception of our establishment. I wanted to let everyone know how we handled the situation, and here at The Green Light Care Center we do have rules and procedures in place.
On Saturday Oct. 27th at 12:34PM A gentleman came in swearing at my staff and was very unpleasant. He stated he filmed a person leaving the establishment, walking down the street, and then giving something to some minors. He gave a description and time that it happened. My staff then called the patient who fit the description and discussed what happened. The patient denied he gave/sold anything to any minors. We then asked the patient if he would come back to discuss what had happened and couldn’t because he was already on the bus.
So we gave the gentleman who claimed filming the incident the benefit of the doubt. We logged the incident in our log book, and made a copy of all the patient’s info that states he is not allowed to share, barter, trade, exchange, sell or deliver by any other means to any unauthorized person which he signed and agreed to. We revoked his membership and noted his account. He is no longer a patient of The Green Light Care Center.
We do not tolerate or condone any sales to minors and/or anyone who is not an authorized member. We reject people on a daily basis because of expired ID’s or forgetting one of the required documents.
The person who created this post is the gentleman that came in with the claim. He also went around posting fliers all over West Seattle and even went as far as leaving fliers in the property owners neighborhood with false accusations. I spoke to the property owner and tried to set up a three way appointment so we could review the info. and properly create a police report. I was told he was not willing and making threats. The end result is the now banned patient will have the opportunity to go to another dispensary and possibly to do the same thing. This so called “Flier Bandit” has not helped us resolve the issue. Instead he is slandering our company and making false accusations. We have contacted our attorneys and authorities to handle the situation.
After reviewing my Cameras I see Chris AKA “Chichas”. (The Flier Bandit and Photographer)I will keep his last name and address anonymous. Was sitting in my parking lot taking photos, drove off, and then 10 minutes later came back and made his claim. So clearly he was trying to cause trouble. This is not something he happened to just drive by and see. If you read the first post on the WSB he states:
A thriving respectful business ? What a joke ! There goes the neighborhood.
Comment by Chris — 5:01 pm October 8, 2012 #”
You will notice he goes by Chris S. and has had a problem with us from our first day of opening. He has only made 3 posts on here for the last 2 years and now wants to be heard. I am proud to be part of the West Seattle neighborhood and was acknowledged yesterday by the SPD as a part of the community. I want nothing more then to help patients in need. If you ask over 150,000 patients what they would rather have:
A. A street corner.
B. A safe access point to receive their medication.
I’m sure everyone knows what the answer to that would be. I am more then willing to speak with the very unhappy “Flier Bandit” and discuss this matter in person.
I try to use cutting edge technology, common sense, and staff training to prevent mishaps but we are all on the honor system and I cant police patients once they leave our establishment. I’m sure 7/11, Walgreens, etc. do there best to keep alcohol and drugs out of reach of minors but they cant help what happens once the customer leaves.
Our goal is to provide patients a safe access point in the West Seattle Community. Instead of finding their medication on the streets.
I apologize if we offended anyone in the West Seattle Community.
The Green Light Care Center