HMC Rich
I am not going to slam the Soros backed Hillary Clinton hit machine called Media Matters. No, I acknowledge them and sometimes they have useful things in print, mostly for liberals, but a smattering of truth leaks out in code once in awhile.
No, I am going to point out that 3 years ago, LED technology had reports that were coming out. Funny how in the article $20.00 was “pricey”. And I was not comparing incadescent with LED. I only spoke about LED. Stop inserting your pseudo eco religious objections when I am not even talking about them.
I already knew there were cheaper LED’s. I dislike CFL’s due to the mercury in them and the “Green” movements unintended consequences for trying to save the planet. And sometimes, people don’t mind the heat from an incandescent light, but I am moving toward LED’s because they are a much better deal in the long run for people and our earth. (Effin’ A.. your assumptions just blow me away sometimes…)
No Redblack. It was all of our dimes and just think how many blankets, lunches, kid’s coats, or even lights for schools that money could have paid for.
I do not agree with Government waste and neither do you. Those funds should have went to something else. Trying to force efficiency backfired. LED’s were on there way already.
I work with LED’s. They are wonderful. Trust me, working with hot and dangerous bulbs in current times and in the past is not fun. I had a bulb blow up a few years ago and start a fire on a table. Thank God the pieces didn’t hit the people I was interviewing. Trust me. I love working with LED’s.